The XMR to SOL (Monero to Solana) swap process on our instant crypto exchange platform is as easy as 1-2-3:
That's it! If you need more details on how to exchange Monero to Solana, please refer to our detailed guide below.
In this more detailed tutorial, we will show you how to swap XMR to SOL via a few simple steps, quickly, without KYC and sign-up.
The estimated price of 1 XMR in SOL is currently 1.2225083 SOL. Please keep in mind that the final exchange rate for a specific XMR to SOL swap transaction can slightly differ from this estimate, because it depends on the input amount of XMR.
Here are the main benefits of swapping XMR to SOL on an instant crypto exchange.
Typically, after you send your Monero deposit, you get your Solana just in a matter of minutes.
You don't have to create an account or share any personal information to swap XMR to SOL on an instant crypto exchange.
Low minimum requirements to perform a XMR to SOL conversion, currently 0.03702165 XMR. And there is no upper limit at all.
Minimized number of clicks and other actions you have to take to complete a crypto swap, compared to exchanges where it is necessary to create an account, log in etc.
There are two possible cases here.
If you have just created a Monero to Solana swap transaction, but not sent your funds to the deposit address yet, you can simply close the transaction page, there is no need to cancel the swap transaction explicitly.
However, if you have already sent your funds to the generated address, the transaction becomes irreversible, like any other crypto transaction. In this case, after the XMR to SOL swap process is completed, you will receive your Solana to the SOL address you provided.
Yes, this cryptocurrency pair is also available on SwapNow.