The DASH to LTC (Dash to Litecoin) swap process on our instant crypto exchange platform in 2025 is still as easy as 1-2-3:
That's it! If you need more details on how to exchange Dash to Litecoin in 2025, please refer to our detailed guide below.
You may also wish to read our brief market analysis before making decision regarding your crypto swap.
In this more detailed tutorial, we will show you how to swap DASH to LTC in 2025 via a few simple steps, quickly, without KYC and sign-up.
The estimated price of 1 DASH in LTC is currently 0.2145811 LTC. Please keep in mind that the final exchange rate for a specific DASH to LTC swap transaction can slightly differ from this estimate, because it depends on the input amount of DASH.
During the November 2024 rally, Bitcoin gained about 45% over the course of just half a month, and most other cryptocurrencies' prices, including DASH and LTC, got significantly higher as well.
Further developments in December 2024 and early 2025 will likely depend on Bitcoin's ability to surpass the key resistance at $100,000. As of time of writing, BTC just broke above the level, reaching $102,500, however, it's too early to speak about a sustained break.
That said, three main scenarios are possible.
Scenario #1: BTC breaks the $100,000 level and consistently holds above it. In this case, one can expect that the rally continues in the first months of 2025, with more gains for Bitcoin and other cryptos, including DASH and LTC, perfectly in sight.
Scenario #2: BTC fails to break the $100,000 resistance. As a result, a deep correction can occur, which, in the worst case, can see Bitcoin falling back to the pre-rally levels near the previous key level at about $70,000. Most other cryptocurrencies, including DASH and LTC, are likely to be driven down by Bitcoin's fall in this case.
Scenario #3: BTC still fails to break the milestone $100k level, but no significant correction happens as well. Thus, Bitcoin can consolidate in a range between $90,000 and $100,000, maybe for several months. In this case, other cryptocurrencies' behaviour may vary.
UPDATE, 19th January, 2025. Bitcoin price reached a new ATH at around $108,000 in the middle of December, then gradually declined to $90,000 support level. After that correction, the price remained mostly in the range between $90,000 and $100,000, as described in scenario #3. Shortly before Donald Trump's inauguration, however, BTC price surpassed the $100k level again and is rising towards its ATH at $108,000.
Further developments in the crypto industry may depend on Trump's decisions after he takes office on the 20th January, 2025. Some experts say that Trump might be forced to choose between backing Bitcoin and defending the U. S. dollar in 2025. On top of that, there is plenty of uncertainty regarding Trump's promises of crypto deregulation and introducing industry-friendly policies.
Swapping DASH to LTC on an instant crypto exchange has many benefits. The most important ones, still up-to-date in 2025, are the following.
Typically, after you send your Dash deposit, you get your Litecoin just in a matter of minutes.
You don't have to create an account or share any personal information to swap DASH to LTC on an instant crypto exchange.
Low minimum requirements to perform a DASH to LTC conversion, currently 0.0080634 DASH. And there is no upper limit at all.
Minimized number of clicks and other actions you have to take to complete a crypto swap, compared to exchanges where it is necessary to create an account, log in etc.
There are two possible cases here.
If you have just created a Dash to Litecoin swap transaction, but not sent your funds to the deposit address yet, you can simply close the transaction page, there is no need to cancel the swap transaction explicitly.
However, if you have already sent your funds to the generated address, the transaction becomes irreversible, like any other crypto transaction. In this case, after the DASH to LTC swap process is completed, you will receive your Litecoin to the LTC address you provided.
Yes, this cryptocurrency pair is also available on SwapNow.