Swap "send" and "receive" currencies

How to Swap BNB to XLM

BNBswap toXLM

How to exchange Binance Coin Mainnet to Stellar

The BNB to XLM (Binance Coin Mainnet to Stellar) swap process on our instant crypto exchange platform is as easy as 1-2-3:

1 Choose the cryptocurrency pair to swap: BNB to XLM (Binance Coin Mainnet to Stellar).
2 Enter the amount of BNB and the receiving XLM wallet address. Confirm the swap and proceed to the transaction page.
3 Send your BNB to the deposit address shown on the transaction page. Wait a bit for your XLM to arrive at the receiving address.

That's it! If you need more details on how to exchange Binance Coin Mainnet to Stellar, please refer to our detailed guide below.

How to Swap BNB to XLM: A Detailed Step-by-Step Guide

In this more detailed tutorial, we will show you how to swap BNB to XLM via a few simple steps, quickly, without KYC and sign-up.

1 To start the BNB to XLM swap process, scroll to the main exchange form above and make sure that BNB is selected in the dropdown list to the right of "You send" box, and XLM is chosen in the dropdown list to the right of "You receive" box.
2 Input the amount of Binance Coin Mainnet (BNB) you are going to swap into "You send" box. Our system will automatically calculate the XLM equivalent of the given amount of BNB, according to the current exchange rate. Check the estimated amount of Stellar (XLM) in "You receive" box.
3 Enter your XLM crypto wallet address for receiving the exchanged funds and, optionally, the refund BNB wallet address. Certainly, the best way to avoid any mistakes at this step is to copy and paste the crypto address(es). If your transaction requires "" extra field on the receiving side, please fill in this field as well.
4 If all input values are correct and valid, the color of "Exchange" button will change from grey to green. Please double-check all the details to ensure a safe and successful swap, then click the "Exchange" button to initiate your BNB to XLM swap transaction. You will be redirected to the transaction page.
5 On the transaction page, you will see the deposit BNB address and exact amount of Binance Coin Mainnet you should send to the deposit address. Now proceed to your BNB crypto wallet. If you are using a mobile wallet, you can simply scan the QR code on the transaction page on our website to obtain the deposit address. Otherwise, copy the address from the transaction page by simply clicking the address or the "Copy address" button nearby, and paste it into your BNB wallet. Enter the exact amount of Binance Coin Mainnet, which is displayed on the transaction page. For the amount, you can use copy/paste as well, just as it was with the deposit address. Please double-check the entered details in your crypto wallet and send the Binance Coin Mainnet payment.
6 After your have completed the previous step and sent your BNB payment, our system takes care of the rest. Please keep in mind that every cryptocurrency transaction needs some time to get the necessary number of blockchain confirmations. This applies both to your deposit Binance Coin Mainnet transaction and our system's Stellar transaction, which is sent to your XLM wallet after the exchange. You can track the status of your Binance Coin Mainnet to Stellar conversion on the transaction page. Typically, most BNB to XLM swap transactions take from 3 to 15 minutes. However, if a crypto network, be it on the sending or the receiving side, is too busy, the swap process could take longer than the above estimate.
7 As soon as the swap status displays "Finished", you can check your receiving XLM wallet to make sure you have a new incoming Stellar transaction.

Current BNB to XLM Exchange Rate

The estimated price of 1 BNB in XLM is currently 5,674.8639942 XLM. Please keep in mind that the final exchange rate for a specific BNB to XLM swap transaction can slightly differ from this estimate, because it depends on the input amount of BNB.

Why Swap BNB to XLM On An Instant Exchange?

Here are the main benefits of swapping BNB to XLM on an instant crypto exchange.

Speed icon


Typically, after you send your Binance Coin Mainnet deposit, you get your Stellar just in a matter of minutes.

Anonymity icon

Anonymous and accountless swap

You don't have to create an account or share any personal information to swap BNB to XLM on an instant crypto exchange.

No limits icon

Low minimums, no upper limits

Low minimum requirements to perform a BNB to XLM conversion, currently 0.01135772 BNB. And there is no upper limit at all.

Usability icon

Improved usability

Minimized number of clicks and other actions you have to take to complete a crypto swap, compared to exchanges where it is necessary to create an account, log in etc.

How to Swap BNB to XLM: FAQ

Do I need to create an account to swap BNB to XLM?
No, it is not required to create an account to swap BNB to XLM on SwapNow. Our service is accountless.
What is the Binance Coin Mainnet to Stellar exchange rate?
The Binance Coin Mainnet to Stellar exchange rate is the amount of Stellar you receive for one Binance Coin Mainnet. Currently it is 5,674.8639942 XLM.
What is the minimum amount of BNB I can swap to XLM?
Currently the minimum amount of BNB you can swap to XLM is 0.01135772 BNB.
What is the upper limit for a Binance Coin Mainnet to Stellar swap?
There is no upper limit for this currency pair at all.
How long does it take to convert BNB to XLM?
Usually, it takes no more than 10-15 minutes to convert BNB to XLM, but the time may increase if one of the involved crypto networks is busy.
What can I do if my Binance Coin Mainnet to Stellar swap transaction seems to be stuck or takes longer than expected?
You can contact us via our contact form, provide your Transaction ID which is displayed at the top of the transaction page, and ask us to check your transaction.
Can I cancel my BNB to XLM swap transaction?

There are two possible cases here.
If you have just created a Binance Coin Mainnet to Stellar swap transaction, but not sent your funds to the deposit address yet, you can simply close the transaction page, there is no need to cancel the swap transaction explicitly.

However, if you have already sent your funds to the generated address, the transaction becomes irreversible, like any other crypto transaction. In this case, after the BNB to XLM swap process is completed, you will receive your Stellar to the XLM address you provided.

Can I buy XLM with BNB?

Yes, this cryptocurrency pair is also available on SwapNow.