You can swap LADYS for other cryptocurrencies here on SwapNow. The swap process is easy, KYC-free and anonymous, no sign-up and no personal information is required.
Let's say you are going to swap Milady (LADYS) to Bitcoin (BTC).
Here are the main benefits of swapping LADYS on an instant crypto exchange.
Typically, after you send your LADYS deposit, you get your exchanged coins just in a matter of minutes.
You don't have to create an account or share any personal information to swap LADYS on an instant crypto exchange.
Low minimum requirements to perform an exchange, usually no more than 5 USD in equivalent. And there is no upper limit at all for most pairs.
Minimized number of clicks and other actions you have to take to complete your LADYS swap, compared to exchanges where it is necessary to create an account, log in, enter personal data etc.
When you swap LADYS on our platform, you can be sure you get the best possible exchange rate. After you choose the cryptocurrencies to exchange and enter the amount, our system retrieves rates from several crypto liquidity providers and selects the best exchange rate for you automatically.
The price of 1 LADYS in BTC is currently 0.000000000000380849 BTC. Please keep in mind that the final exchange rate for a specific LADYS to BTC swap transaction can slightly differ from this value, because it depends on the input amount of Milady.
The price of 1 LADYS in USDT is currently 0.000000036457423104 USDT. Please keep in mind that the final exchange rate for a specific LADYS to USDT swap transaction can slightly differ from this value, as it depends on the input amount of LADYS. The above price was calculated for USDT on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network.