Swap "send" and "receive" currencies

APT Swap


Exchange Aptos (APT) to other cryptocurrencies. Instantly.

You can swap APT for other cryptocurrencies here on SwapNow. The swap process is easy, KYC-free and anonymous, no sign-up and no personal information is required.

How to Swap APT for Another Cryptocurrency

Let's say you are going to swap Aptos (APT) to Bitcoin (BTC).

1 To start the APT swap process, scroll to the main exchange form above and make sure that APT is selected in the dropdown list to the right of "You send" box, and BTC is chosen in the dropdown list to the right of "You receive" box.
2 Enter the amount of Aptos (APT) you are going to swap into "You send" box. Wait a bit for the recalculation to complete and check the estimated amount of Bitcoin (BTC) in "You receive" box.
3 Enter the receiving BTC wallet address and, optionally, the refund APT wallet address. Certainly, the best way to avoid any mistakes at this step is to copy and paste the crypto address(es).
4 If all entered values are correct and valid, the color of "Exchange" button will change from grey to green. Click the button to create the APT swap transaction. You will be redirected to the transaction page.
5 On the transaction page, copy the deposit Aptos address and amount into the corresponding fields on "Send" tab/dialog box of your APT crypto wallet, or simply scan the QR code if you are using a mobile wallet. Send the APT payment.
6 Track the status of your APT to BTC swap on the transaction page. Typically, most exchanges take from 5 to 60 minutes. However, in case of a crypto network congestion, the exchange process could take longer than that.
7 As soon as the swap status displays "Finished", you can check your receiving Bitcoin wallet to make sure you have a new incoming BTC transaction.

Why Swap APT On An Instant Exchange?

Here are the main benefits of swapping APT on an instant crypto exchange.

Speed icon


Typically, after you send your APT deposit, you get your exchanged coins just in a matter of minutes.

Anonymity icon

Anonymous and accountless swap

You don't have to create an account or share any personal information to swap APT on an instant crypto exchange.

No limits icon

Low minimums, no upper limits

Low minimum requirements to perform an exchange, usually no more than 5 USD in equivalent. And there is no upper limit at all for most pairs.

Usability icon

Improved usability

Minimized number of clicks and other actions you have to take to complete your APT swap, compared to exchanges where it is necessary to create an account, log in, enter personal data etc.

Swap APT at the Best Exchange Rate

When you swap APT on our platform, you can be sure you get the best possible exchange rate. After you choose the cryptocurrencies to exchange and enter the amount, our system retrieves rates from several crypto liquidity providers and selects the best exchange rate for you automatically.

Current APT Price in BTC

The price of 1 APT in BTC is currently 0.000092817724 BTC. Please keep in mind that the final exchange rate for a specific APT to BTC swap transaction can slightly differ from this value, because it depends on the input amount of Aptos.

Current APT Price in USDT

The price of 1 APT in USDT is currently 9.2239301 USDT. Please keep in mind that the final exchange rate for a specific APT to USDT swap transaction can slightly differ from this value, as it depends on the input amount of APT. The above price was calculated for USDT on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network.